Monday 2 May 2011

Blokes and blogging...oh and some early glass stuff

Well ok, Day 2 and now got TWO followers. Guess I can start making millions now by linking to some advertisng...or not...!
Comments on the forums seem positive, so can you leave some comments here too.please guys....all helps to show the earlyglass newbies that this blog is the biz for bottles.

Ok, now some token informative info, .... first - "earlyglass" generic term for any glass (but we are always talking bottles - not fancy decorative plates, glasses, stands etc etc that you'll see cluttering up antique shops) that either is freeblown (blown without the use of molds) or dipmold (freeblown, sort of, but blowing partially into a basic mold of some form that gives the bottle a standardish size), or pontilled (has the mark, usually on the base where a pontil rod is attached, which enables the blowpipe to be broken away from the neck and that rough snapped off  lip to be reheated and smoothed or shaped or have a lip applied to it.) hope you newbies get the rough idea.....?  - if not, check out my articles in ABC ( a bottle magazine available on subscription or at bottle shows) Check them out at 

Be aware, be VERY aware (you soon will be!) that there is another longer established magazine: BBR....  and these two magazines and their enthusiastic proprietors have a lovely time banging their egos against each other, banning each other from their own organised shows, blah blah, and boring and embarassing most collectors silly with this behaviour which everyone knows is not necessary, does nothing for the hobby, and creates north/south splits etc (one mag being traditionally northern based eh by 'eck, and the other rather southern based ok yah?). At the moment there seems a creaky truce.....

However, I digress (I'll be doing digressing in bucketloads) Both mags are fine, both informative, but they perform to different masters with different backgrounds.

Now lets sink this "blackglass" term, at least as a generic term for our hobby, which has insidiously crept into use. Blackglass is a useful and descriptive reference to SOME earlyglass which through addition of iron oxides is a very dark olive green green colour. That's fine. Unfortunately much earlyglass is also aqua, clear, blue, amber, amethyst, emerald green etc etc. Now I know I wear glasses and I know I see things differently to other people, but last time I looked, very dark olive green blackglass, was a different colour to all the other colours I've mentioned....'nuff said? case closed. 
OK, "earlyglass" isn't perfect, but it's a darn site more perfect than "blackglass"....

Guess that'll do for Day 2.....but don't necessarily expect something EVERY day yes?

egc....which stands for "EarlyGlassCollector", one of my user names on the bottle forums. pretty pics today, hope it's not too boring....


  1. this is boring without pretty pics of bottles. please include pretty pics of bottles

    Oh, ok, will include prettypics of bottles next time...

  2. ...Is commenting on your own blog the first sign of madness?

    Not necessarily, just the sign of a split personality...! :)
