Friday 6 May 2011

Oh God, not again...

...Now I know why they're called "Blogs"....stands for that "Bl****dy log"....
oh well! "your own bed, you made, lie in it, now you can" are some words that spring to mind.

So where were we? oh yes complaining about the short sighted stick in the mud nature of the average British trained archeologist, not that I blame you the young ones, they just have to do what they're told or taught.

On a brighter note, there are some Museums who are beginning to live in this century. I've always enjoyed visiting the Museum of London, refreshing exhibits etc, so it was particularly pleasing to hear they have been asking for my regular series of articles in ABC (see recent blog for details) for their archives. Light at the end of the tunnel?....also it does unavoidably give yours truly a problem walking through doorways, though for once it's not the height (me being 6'4" ) but the width and getting my rapidly swelling noggin between the knotty pine....

I've got a problem.... I have all this lovely stuff  in stock, the sort of items that many only dream of, which is very nice, but of course it's not mine, not really. I can't afford to keep it and have got to sell it at some stage, preferably for a profit. That's how I make a living and that I have come to accept. At least I CAN enjoy it for a while, at least I can spend a large amount of money on it, which the guy in the street couldn't, because I know I will get that money back, and make something as well. So I actually get the chance to enjoy far more superb freeblowns than the average collector, temporarily of course, but then all of us only own these things temporarily and will have to give them up eventually, unless any of you plan to be buried with your favourite seal clasped lovingly in your hands?...

I had a good friend/client who had a very nice shaft and globe, who swore he would be buried with it. Interestingly it was originally found on an Indian grave site (as many American shaft and globes were, sometimes containing various medicinal or spiritual items of interest) so this is somewhat ironic. Anyway, there is this guy going to be buried with his shaft and globe, so I says "where are you going to be buried then?....and he hesitates and says.."I think I'd better not tell you"!....we had a good laugh.
I've often thought...would I? could I?...I guess even if I couldn't there'd be plenty who would! So perhaps not a good plan to "take it with you"....

But getting back to my problem, I need to sell these things, but some I don't want to, so sometimes I put the price up a bit, I mean, there has to be a price on almost everything that I'd be foolish not to sell for, however much I like it, but now I want to enter the BBR SummerNational show display competition, and I have an idea what I can enter, but some of the items I have in mind are likely to sell before then...dammit, so PLEASE people DON'T buy those things off me....until after the show.
So which things mustn't you guys buy?.....
That's my other problem.....because I can't let my competitors know what I'm doing...
I can't tell you!

Ok, as promised some token pretty pics of bottles you might like, well we all might like....oh to win the lottery, not that that would help in these cases as you can't just go out and buy these. I have millionaires queueing up to have me finding these sort of things for them....enjoy....

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