Wednesday 4 May 2011

third earlyglass blog...jeez do people write these every day? Sad!!!

In case you guys have checked out my profile....(what you doin' that for eh? trying to work out what sort of mad freak could write all this eh, come on, put them up, I challenge you sah...) I was saying before, before rudely interrupting myself,.....if you have checked out my profile you will see that I look remarkably like Lawrence of Arabia, who incredibly enough was a noted collector of sealed bottles, indeed he made some forays into the cellars of the oxford colleges in the early part of the century (now last century, gosh how time pours away?) and picked up (stole?) various bottles for himself, but what he had, and where they are now would be a fascinating tracking down experience, and it would be nice to own a bottle owned by him....perhaps Time Team ought to get sent in, then they can spend three days and mega money and find the incredibly fascinating foundations of one of his garden sheds, and lovingly excavate and preserve a fragment of one of his plantpots, and then recreate on computer what this marvellous piece of horticultural history would have looked like. Amazing that it looked so like the sort of plantpot that would have been around back in the beginning of the last century, and oh so superb that it was found in situe and recorded properly so that it's archeological significance was not lost.
The sealed shaft and globe they happened to find on a shelf in his home is of course out of context and therefore totally worthless historically, but still will be boxed away uncarefully and hidden in the bowels of the local museum so that  academics and researchers will be able to not find it and not research it, and ultimately it can be taken home by one of the museum security volounteer housewives who can put it to good use as a lamp, once hubby has carefully drilled a hole into it for the flex. I mean you've got to do these things properly haven't you, otherwise the lamp might fall over and get damaged....

...back soon

pretty pics of earlyglass to come soon.....promise! cross my heart and hope to



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